Is your child starting school – What to expect.

Is your child starting school – What to expect.

Starting school is one of the biggest milestones of a child’s life. I had no idea what to expect. I naively thought it would be easy. It wasn’t. It is a learning curve for the whole family. For those parents who have children starting school this September here are a few things I wish I would of known.

You will never get used to the school run

The school run is hard work. It is actually hard to understand why but truthfully it will drive you mad. Getting all your children up and dressed and out of the house in time is so stressful. It also rains a lot at 3.15pm. It can be blue sky all day but as soon as 3pm comes it starts raining.Buy an umbrella or at least a coat with a hood! Don’t say I didn’t warn you

It takes time

I naively thought it would be easy once they started school maybe a few tears during the first week. It was much harder than this. It it took a long time tor Meme to settle in. She is a September baby and turned 5 a couple of weeks after starting school. She seemed more than ready for this transition and was so excited at first.  Excitement was replaced by uncertainty. It was a horrible time for all of us. She didn’t cry or protest going to school but she just wasn’t herself. It truthfully took  around 6 months for her to adapt. I felt so much worry but many teachers have told me since this is perfectly normal.

Starting school for Harri (who is a Summer baby) was really easy. She settled in after just a couple of weeks. Every child is different.

It is important to make friends

I actually made a real effort to make friends in the playground and I am so glad I did. You see these people every single day so it’s nice to see a friendly face. It is also nice to have someone to chat to who is going through the same thing as you. Who is also experiencing the school and teachers for the first time. Sometimes you just need a little bit of advice from someone who understands.

Say Goodbye to your weekends.

The amount of parties you will be invited to is crazy. Every weekend there is something else. In the first few months you are a little worried if your child isn’t invited to one but by the end of the year you are relieved. Stockpile children’s party gifts and have a stack of birthday cards on the ready.

Accept your child for who they are

You learn so much about your child when they start school. They grow so much it is bittersweet to watch.  When I was in school, I was quite a popular child, excitable and cheery, who loved starting school. I expected Meme to be the same, she isn’t, she is a completely different character. I guess it took me a while to understand this and, whilst at times I still get frustrated by her, I do try to understand and let her take things at her own pace. Now 5 years after she started school she is this amazing confident independent little girl.

Time Flies.

Once they start school, time whizzes by. It is so scary. Meme starts year 5 in September, it honestly feels like she has only just started. They school years are amazing. Full of achievements and celebrations, friendships and growth. You will watch your child changes before your very eyes. Make sure you cherish every moment.

starting school

29 thoughts on “Is your child starting school – What to expect.

  1. I also made sure to attend those after school palyground meeting. It really helped my son when he is in Reception. He is now in Year 1 and Year 2 next September and like you I am still learning about my son, about his learning and the routine everyday. #sharewithme

  2. Awww this made me feel so emotional, this will be me this time next year and ready to start all over again with Megan! I laughed about it always raining on the school run, you are SO right! What’s that all about?!! #sharewithme

  3. I am off to buy a coat with a hood! Alice starts reception in September and I think I am more worried about me making friends with the other mums than I am about Alice who is just so excited and can’t wait to get there. I know that when your child starts school, its actually the whole family that joins the school and I really need to put my big girl pants on and make some friends. You enjoy the summer holidays with your girls and no school runs! These 6 weeks are going to fly by I just know it! Thank you for joining us again for #SharingtheBlogLove Laura x

    1. Seriously lovely you will thank me for that tip! I felt nervous too but remember the majority of Mum’s are all in the same boat! You are so right about your comment – it affects the whole family! Thanks Laura x

  4. It does take getting used to. I’m not great with the whole school mums thing yet even after years of it. I love it now that they are getting older and are finding their way and their confidence is growing.

    Mainy – myrealfairy

  5. Oh gosh, enjoy every minute of the summer holidays! I am not looking forward to the panic of the morning school run – I know already I’ll be terrible at it! That’s lovely that you’ve managed to make friends with the other parents though – I know I’ll have to force myself to do that, but I really hope I can meet some similarly lovely people! I love your point about accepting your child for who they are. I am the opposite with mine – I’m an introvert who doesn’t like to talk to new people, but Max is what I would describe as over friendly – he loves to make friends and say hello and goodbye to everyone! It’s taken some adjusting to really get used to that, but it’s also encouraged (or rather, forced!) me to come out of my shell a bit more with strangers. Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove

    1. Thanks lovely, I used to be a social butterfly when I was younger but I am finding myself becoming more and more unsociable – so I made a real effort and I am so glad I did. It helps with Meme too as we arrange play dates etc.

  6. I’d heard siblings can be very different but hadn’t thought about them differing from their parents. Perhaps she takes after her Dad. #ShareWithMe

  7. Oh lol – it really does always rain on the school run, how very true! Thanks for linking to #sharewithme this week

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