Summer holiday ideas that are free!!!

Summer holiday ideas that are free!!!

So it is almost time…..another school year is over!! I make no secret that I love the Summer holidays, I love having my girls with me. However they can be expensive. I wanted to come up with some Summer Holiday activities that are free to help anyone with a small budget. I have fond memories of my childhood summers, trips to the beach, riding around the street on our bike and attending a local play scheme with friends. It was literally around the corner from our home and we used to have a key on a string worn around our neck so we could pop home for lunch. My Mum would leave us the most delicious sandwiches. All the things I remember were pretty much free.

There is a statement going around social media ‘You have just 18 Summers with your children’ how scary is that!! I feel like crying when I hear it because it is true, so true! I want to make every Summer as memorable as possible but without costing the earth.

I have been speaking my little ladies about what they would like to do this Summer so we decided to make a little list:

Park crawl!

We love parks in our house, we could take  picnic and spend a whole day there. I am pretty sure that’s what we will be doing a lot of this year. Even on a rainy day we put on our waterproof coats and wellies and go for a plash around.

Visit Speke Hall

We are not far from Speak Hall but yet have not yet been. We are already members of the National Trust so it wont cost a thing and they have lots of activities to do throughout the Summer. So we have firm plans to visit there this Summer.

Host a Garden Party!

Alfie play best at home in the garden were he can potter and be free. We plan to have lots of playdates with the paddling pool and and our little bouncy castle up. Playing croquet and table tennis. Some days the simple things are the best.

Toast Marshmallows.

We did this recently and it was so much fun. With no school routine every morning it will be nice to have some late nights in the garden chatting and eating without worrying about bedtime.

Bike and Trike rides.

We recently got sent the Micro trike for Alfie. It is amazing and we plan to get out and about with him on it whilst the weather is still warm.We love going on bike rides exploring our local area.


Visits to the beach.

We are lucky enough to live close enough to some beautiful beaches. Nothing quite says Summer than sand in between your toes and paddling your feet in the water. Collecting shells is also a great thing to do as we paint them when we get home. Another free activity which the kids really enjoy

Arts and Crafts.

I have our craft box filled with supplies for those rainy days – my girls love getting creative so I am sure we will be doing a lot of painting and inventing! On the lead up to the Summer holidays I start saving boxes and toilet roll holders all ready to get my children inventing.

Germoline have created a 90 days of Summer guide to help keep your little ones entertained this Summer. It is full of so many great ideas and there is even suggestions for rainy days and alone play. It is free to download and I plan to carry a copy around with me just in case I run out of ideas!!



11 thoughts on “Summer holiday ideas that are free!!!

  1. I love this list – so many lovely activities to do with your little ones and so many summer memories to be made 🙂 have a lovely time x

  2. A really lovely list of activities. We love getting out an about and you’re right, so many activities needn’t cost the earth. Visiting the beach is a favourite for us.

  3. I totally agree summer time is the best time to enjoy family time, make the most of it as kids soon grow up.

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