Pros for a Real Christmas Tree (and Cons!)

Pros for a Real Christmas Tree (and Cons!)

We are huge fans of having a real Christmas tree. After growing up with artificial trees we now buy a real one every year. I actually can’t imagine Christmas without one. However there are pros for a real Christmas tree and cons. I thought I would write some of these down so if you are unsure you can make a informed decision!

Pros for a Real Christmas Tree.

  • For us there is nothing better than the real thing. The smell of a real tree is amazing. A fresh tree smells like the holiday season. Once it is up I can smell it as soon as I walk into my living room.
  • The buying of the real Christmas tree can be so much fun. A trip to Christmas tree farms, the garden center or even your local store can really get you into the festive mood. If this is not for you, in the past we have had it delivered straight to our door which was so convenient. The choosing of the Christmas tree is such a wonderful Christmas tradition to start with your family.
  • Real trees are more environmentally friendly. By buying a real tree you are supporting the forests and helping to fight climate change.
  • There is no need to find storage as it will be thrown away and recycled after Christmas.
  • There such a variety of options when it comes to buying a really tree. I have detailed below some types of real Christmas trees that we have had and loved.

What is the best Christmas tree?

A Scotch Pine tree makes for a really good Christmas tree. They are really dense trees with dark-green needles. Stiff branches with good needle retention. A good choice when looking for an economical tree.

A Douglas fir is another real popular tree. With dark green or blue-green colored needles that are soft to the touch and a sweet scent. Douglas firs are a real Christmas favourite.

Nordmann Fir is the best Christmas tree in my opinion. We have had many of them over the years. It has a lovely bushy even shape. The needles last all season long. The smell is wonderful. It is our favorite type of tree.

A Fraser Fir is a good choice of tree if you are looking to put it in small spaces. Fraser Fir’s tend to be much more slender compared to other trees. They have a strong pine smell and the end of their branches turn up slightly.

Pros for an Artificial Tree

  • Artificial Christmas trees can be such a great option and work out more cost effective over the years. You can get cheaper real trees but obviously you these need buying every year. When me and my husband got married we bought a fake tree for our home which cost around £100, this was ten years ago so the definitely last a long time. We have now had it for around 14 years and still use it every Christmas.
  • You can choose an fake Christmas tree in any colour (within reason) to suit your decor and find one that is the best fit for your home. Green, black, white even pink!
  • Real trees can be messy leaving pine needles over your floor every day.
  • There are so many realistic artificial christmas trees available that you can choose a kind of tree that looks so real.

There is lots to think about when choosing a Christmas tree. I hope these few points help you decided what tree is best for you.

Should you choose a real Christmas tree or a fake one I am sure it will look amazing.

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