Stagecoach Performing Arts – Our Experience

Stagecoach Performing Arts – Our Experience

My girls started Stagecoach Performing Arts this year. I wanted to write a little post about our experience so far. If you are not familiar with Stagecoach it’s a weekly performing arts club for children ages from 4 up to 15 plus. My girls attend on a Saturday morning from 10am – 1pm. It is structured sessions of 1 hour singing class, 1 hour dance class and 1 hour drama with breaks in between.

A little bit of background

My girls have wanted to go to singing lessons and drama for a while now. When looking I struggled to find anything local that worked around our already very busy schedule. I have heard about Stagecoach through Influences and blogger reviews so I thought I would contact them to find out more details. However, their clubs included dancing which I was reluctant to do as both girls already go to a local dance school and didn’t really need any more dance lessons.

Also Stagecoach classes are on a Saturday morning at 10am. Meaning my children would need to be up and dressed and ready to leave the house by 9.30am. Getting them up and ready for school is a struggle. I wasn’t sure I wanted to start my weekend nagging my children to get out of bed.

Despite my reservations my girls wanted to try it. Stagecoach offer a 2 week trial before committing to a full term so I thought lets give it a go.

We have not looked back!

Stagecoach – Our Experience

Both girls absolutely love it. They are in different age groups which I prefer as it encourages them to make friends with other children, which despite my eldest being quite shy, they have.

They get themselves up and ready every Saturday morning (no nagging from me). They generally look forward to going. Stagecoach hasn’t been on due to the Easter holidays and they have missed it.

When my husband picks them up he says they chatter all the way home. Talking about what they have been doing in their classes. It is just lovely to see. Meme is at the age were a lot of her friends spend their time on mobile phones, watching tv or just hanging around so I love that she is staying active, learning new skills and meeting new people.

Another worry of starting a class on a Saturday is that it cuts into our family time. However, we have discovered that after class they are happy and motivated so we all have lunch and then do something together as a family.

The Cost of Stagecoach

I felt it was important to mention the cost of Stagecoach. When I mention Stagecoach to my friends or school mums and they go away and research Stagecoach, they always come back with the same comment. It is a little expensive.

Truthfully my eyes did water a little initially when I first saw the cost. Especially because we already pay a lot on after school activities. However, Stagecoach offer a 50% siblings discount which is amazing if you have multiple children wanting to join. Also when you break it down to what you are actually receiving – 3 hours of lessons by qualified teachers it is actually not that expensive at all. It is actually similar to the cost of my children’s football classes, swimming lessons etc.

I cannot stress enough how fantastic this club. They are currently practicing for the end of year show which we cannot wait to see. My daughter has also had the opportunity to take part in a performance of Madam Butterfly in the Floral Pavilion. This gave her a real taste of what it is like to perform in a show and the atmosphere behind the scenes. These kind of experiences are invaluable. Watching both girls grow in confidence every week has been wonderful.

If my girls had to choose just one extra curriculum it would be hands down Stagecoach, and as a parent I would have to agree.

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