It’s not been the best weekend, my hubbie found out he had to work last minute and I was suffering from a bit of pregnancy sickness as well as being highly emotional!! As a family we look so forward to our weekends that when they don’t go as planned it’s so disappointing. However, that’s life I guess, it’s not all adventures and sunshine. With what we had left of he weekend, we didn’t get to do much, just pottered to the park and to a cafe for a little drink – but now looking back at the pictures of my lovely girls it didn’t seem that bad after all.

Aw sorry your weekend didn’t go to plan. Still looks like you managed to salvage a good time though, #PointShoot
I always found being outside made pregnancy sickness feel easier and what a lovely park to go to together. #PointShoot
It didn’t go as planned but it sure looks like you still managed to have a good time. the girls are gorgeous x #pointshoot
These are such beautiful pictures! Thanks for linking up to #PointShoot x
beautiful photos of your beautiful girls.
You’re right, life’s not always perfect but it looks like you made the most of the weekend and that’s what counts. Getting out and about is always my favourite back up plan 🙂 #mycapturedmoment
I used to hate it when weekends didn’t go to plan. We have been so busy this week, and again this weekend is manic. I’m actually looking forward to not having much to do next week. Good luck with the pregnancy, Beautiful pictures. Sarah #CountryKids
I always think the grown-ups are more disappointed than the kids when this happens – my lot are usually just as happy going to the park or making a duvet den whatever I had planned originally #countrykids
Sometimes weekends just don’t go to plan, lovely to have a few snaps to look back on and realise perhaps they were better than you thought. I hope the sickness eases soon.
Thanks you for sharing at #CountryKids
Hope you start to feel a bit better soon. That top photo is gorgeous. Sometimes weekends don’t go according to plan but little things like hiding under a tree in the rain will stick in their minds as fun, my girls talk about the time we did that all the time 🙂 x #countrykids
It’s a shame when things don’t go to plan but it sounds like you made the best of it. Hope you feel better soon #CountryKids
That park looks lovely and the fact that there is also a cafe nearby sounds perfect to me 🙂 Your little girls are adorable 🙂 #countrykids
Oh no, pesky work can be a pain the bum. We have this sometimes with sudden overtime and it throws the whole weekend. Hope the sickness eases up soon and you all get to have some fun time together xx
Awww it looks like you two have such a lovely bond though. I am sorry your weekend didn’t go to plan but it still looks like you had a lovely time #Countrykids xxx
I know how you feel when your weekends as a family suddenly don’t happen. This happens to me a lot and I find myself with just me and the baby alone. In the week I can handle it as I know I’ve got other mums and baby groups to go to but not at the weekend! I love your pictures on the scooters. #countrykids
Sorry to hear things didn’t quite work out the way you planned. Looks like you still managed to enjoy some time together though. #MyCapturedMoment
It’s so hard when things don’t go to plan. However the pics are beautiful and pottering around at the weekend isn’t always the worst way to spend time! Great shots. #CountryKids
What beautiful photos from your weekend. Looks like there were still some lovely moments even though it didn’t go to plan. Hope the pregnancy sickness eases soon. #countrykids
You poor thing I can 100% sympathise with the emotional side of pregnancy. I was a bit of a mess, especially at the end. Your weekend may not have gone to plan but you did manage to get some lovely pictures and I’m sure the kids had a great time regardless. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx
Sometimes life just goes awry, so pleased you managed to get outdoors and such lovely photos of the girls
Thank you lovely xx