Oh I can’t even believe we are at the end of October – I feel like I am writing these monthly round up posts every few days at the moment. Although this October I have been a little tired, grumpy, sad and angry at times – it honestly has been lovely – the weather has been so nice, we attended one of my good friends wedding and we had a little adventure our last one as a family of four and for us it is ending with the start of a much needed half term!
Here is what I have been loving this month:
I am still using my Mustela Stretch Marks Prevention Oil and I really love it. I have also been sent the Stretch Marks Recovery Serum which I have not used yet but I do have a couple of stretch marks from my pregnancy with Meme so once my new baby arrives I am going to start using it and see if they become less visable.
My lovely husband bought me some of my favourite perfume Viktor & Rolf  Flowerbomb which is just beautiful and a lovely surprise. Such a lucky girl.
Not much to report on this one as nothing fits me!!! I am getting a little fed up of wearing the same clothes all the time and I definitely treating myself to some new post pregnancy clothes in December.
My girls are in desperate need of some new winter clothes. Meme who once would not entertain jeans or leggings at one point has now decided she doesn’t want to wear dresses anymore – the problem with Meme is that she is so tiny that I struggle to find trousers to fit her!! Sigh! However I bought them some pink jumpsuits from Mothercare which she loves.
My girls also looked so gorgeous in their outfits to my friend’s wedding.
We are in desperate need of a clear out in our house before the chaos of a new baby and the arrival of new toys at Christmas. I have no idea how we are going to fit anything in. We are also hoping to buy some bunk beds for the girls bedroom in the New year which they are very excited about.
We have also been getting our house ready for Halloween – with pumpkins and halloween signs. Me and Harri have also been making some halloween crafts which she loved.
I always fail at this bit because I never ever take pictures of my food – I am always just so hungry.
We spent the weekend at Aberdunant Hall and had such a lovely meal. I also met my family at a local restaurant The Viking and it was delicious and very child friendly which is such a bonus!!
I have also been using my new slow cooker and am not sure how I coped without it – I am going to treat myself to a little cookbook for some inspiration.
So Hello November…with half term, bonfire night, finishing work for maternity leave and of course the lead up to Christmas I am hoping it is going to be a good one!
I also love flowerbomb perfume it smells heavenly.The girls look adorable in their matching outfits. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, only a few more weeks to go #BloggerClubUK
Oh those jumpsuits are just adorable, I might have to look into getting some of those for my two. I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t manage to photograph my food because I’m in too much of a hurry to eat it!
Just lovely, so much to be grateful for. The girls looked amazing in their dresses for the wedding xx
I’m with you – October has just flown by in the blink of an eye! I love a jumpsuit – they both look perfect in them, and their wedding outfits are gorgeous too. I bet they’ll love having bunk beds – I remember that stage with my little sister and we had so much fun sharing! Best of luck with finishing work and winding down for maternity leave! Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove
Love the matching outfits. I’m a big fan of my slow cooker too. Must think of something to cook this weekend with it #sharingthebloglove
Oh those wedding outfits are just beautiful!! I remember those pregnancy days of having zero choice what to wear other than what I could squeeze in to … a bit like the months when I’ve been stuffing my face on cheesecake now ha!
Sounds like a wonderful month, thanks for linking up to #LikedandLoved hon
Stevie x
Aw love your girls dresses and jumpsuits! Good luck with your pregnancy #KCACOLs
Love the outfits that your little girls wore at your friend’s wedding 🙂 I didn’t even notice how October had good weather as I’ve been stuck at home with a broken leg, but I’ll be out soon enough (well, in January, when it’ll be freezing, but still!), Good luck with your pregnancy #KCACOLS
Gorgeous photos, and I love those dresses for the wedding. They’re so pretty! #KCACOLS
The girls wedding outfits are gorgeous, as are they. I bet they will love the bunk beds, very exciting for children.
Sounds like it was a busy month, no wonder it flew by! I love the girls’ wedding outfits, so cute! x #KCACOLS
your daughters wedding outfits both look lovely! Im getting fed up of wearing the same old too! I want some skirts and tights and new boots 🙂 sick of jeans!
good luck getting the house sorted for the new bubba! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!
Oh I love those jumpsuits, my girls would too. I really need to start using my slow cooker I’ve had one for a while and keep forgetting, oops! Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove x
Popping back from #KCACOLS
Those dresses are beautiful, I love the colour x #KCACOLS
Those outfits are so beautiful. My little girl is almost 8 now and won’t let me have much of a say in dressing her.
Awww I love the photo of them kneeling on the wall together, how lovely. In fact all of your photos are gorgeous!