How to Potty Train A Stubborn Boy

How to Potty Train A Stubborn Boy

Potty training a stubborn toddler is never going to be easy, but trying to potty train a stubborn boy after potty training 2 easy going girls was quite a challenge.

Even the easiest of toddlers can be difficult to potty train most of the time. I have three very different children whose potty training experiences were very different. All three children started to use the potty at different times.  I was always a parent who insisted they would learn when they are ready. However my third child changed my views on this.

Potty Training a Stubborn toddler

What is the best way to start potty training?

Potty Training a 3 year old  (Child Number 1)

Meme started potty training at 3. I possibly could have started earlier with Meme but I wanted to wait until I had my second child, Harriet who was due in June. I have heard lots of stories that a big change can cause regression to a child when potty training. At the time it felt like really hard work. In reality it took Meme 3 days to potty train. We started on a Thursday, we had lots and lots of accidents. By the Saturday she was starting to ask for for the potty. By Monday she was dry and wearing underwear.

I do believe potty training was easier with my 3 years old because she was that bit older and had a better understanding. However I do know that sometimes you feel pressured to potty train at 2 years. However this potty training experience helped me realise that there are pros to leaving it a little later. There is no specific age that your child should be potty trained so definitely take the pressure of yourself and your child.

Potty Training a 2 year old (Child Number 2)

Getting my 2nd little girl to use the potty was quite easy. She was potty trained not long after she turned 2. Having an older sibling definitely helped potty training. She was eager to use the toilet and be just like her big Sister. So if you do have a an older child encourage the child you are potty training to see their older sibling use the toilet and let them hear you praise your child when using the potty or toilet.

Potty Training a stubborn boy  (Child Number 3)

Learning to potty train a stubborn boy was tough! I found potty training a boy very different to potty training a girl.  The words ‘you will know when they are ready’ rings in my ears but even after a couple of months after turning 3, Alfie was still not showing any signs of being ready to potty train. Whilst I was tempted to just wait and follow his lead. I know my child. He is a very stubborn boy and likes to do things his own way. If I left Alfie I know that he would stay in nappies for as long as he could.

I needed to take the lead. I was determined to potty train my stubborn boy! Armed with rewards stickers and chocolate buttons I was determined to get my 3 year old stubborn boy potty trained. If only it was that easy. It took a couple of weeks for Alfie to register that he needed to go on the potty. However once we got to that point I knew there was no going back.

Are you ready for potty training a stubborn boy? Here are 5 things to remember:

What to do if you child just wont go on the potty?

My advice is to commit. Obviously if your child has just turned 2 it is probably is a little too early and maybe leave it a few months before trying again. However if they are older. once you have decided on potty training your toddler,  run with it. Don’t change your mind half way through. It will just confuse them. Stick with it no matter how difficult it feels.

Use Rewards to encourage your child to use the potty.

Rewards are a must. We tried stickers at first but a little chocolate treat was also needed!! He was always so delighted to get a chocolate button after going on the potty. Praise always works well too. Even now Alfie is excited to tell us when he has been on the toddler.

Constantly ask your child ‘do you need to use the potty?’

Constant reminders is key. Once your toddler is busy playing they wont even think to go on the potty. Ask your toddler all the the time do they need the potty. Encourage them to sit on the potty. Get the used to sitting on it before you go out, before a bath and before they go to bed.

Introduce Underwear as soon as you start potty training.

Buy it for when you start potty training. Use it straight away. As tempting as it will be ( and you will be so tempted) don’t go back to nappies. Oh and buy plenty of spares. You will need them!


If you can (we couldn’t with Alfie) go straight to toilet. If not as soon as they are comfortable using the potty make the change to the toilet as soon as you can. Meme wouldn’t use the toilet for a while and so we had to carry a potty everywhere with us. Once Harri was confident using the potty we went straight to the toilet. She was a bit nervous the first time but was fine. It makes life so much easier.

Be Patient.

Potty training a stubborn toddler is tough. With Alfie I never thought we would crack it. Of course we did, it took a bit longer but he got there in the end. Be patient and kind with them. Remember they are learning a whole new skill. It takes time.

Are you potty training a stubborn boy? Have you got any advice to add?

Potty training a stubborn toddler

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