How to raise a compassionate child

How to raise a compassionate child

In the same way many things in life are acquired, kindness and compassion are something children learn over time and gradually through practice. The good news is there are many things that can be done to encourage your child to be a kinder person. Empathy is a quality every person needs to possess and is something that develops over time. It may be difficult for children to understand compassion, but by the time they reach the age of four, they will have gained the ability to understand when they have hurt someone and offer an apology
without being told.

Here is some advice from an independent school in Cardiff on raising a compassionate child

Model the right behaviour in front of your child. What you do and say in front of your child is critical as they will pick up on every little detail. Allow your child to catch you in an act of kindness such as holding a door open for a stranger or dropping off some baked goods to the neighbours. This role modelling can start from day one. By doing this, you will be laying a foundation for a lifetime of kindness from your child.

Believe in your child. If you treat your child as someone who is only capable of being up to no good, they will eventually live up to the label you have given them. However, if you assume that they are a kind and helpful person and show belief in them, they will live up to those expectations.

Acknowledge any kindness that you experience when your child is around you. If someone was kind enough to give you way at a busy intersection, be vocal about it by saying “what a kind person for letting me through even though they didn’t have to.” Likewise, do the same if someone around you is disrespectful by not letting their rudeness pass. If someone is unkind to you, you can respond with, “wow, that person must be having a bad day for not smiling today.” This shows your child that no matter the situation they face, they can still respond with kindness and manners.

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