Back to normal – The Ordinary Moments

Back to normal – The Ordinary Moments

After a lovely half term it was back to business this week. I always feel a bit nervous when she has to return to school after the holidays. I have written many a time on this blog that Meme doesn’t love school and returning after the Christmas holidays was tough – she was grumpy, tired and upset. I absolutely love the school holidays but I do worry that each one sets Meme back a little.

To my surprise she was fine, happy even, excited to see her friends. It was lovely to see and I am hoping that we have turned a corner. Lets face it when your child is happy then so are you. Meme’s good mood set the tone for the week. I was happy to get back to normal, spending time with my Harri. I am feeling a little apprehensive that Harri may be my last child and these carefree years will be over far too soon. I was telling my husband that this time next year Harri’s school application will have been submitted and she will be getting prepared for full time education, which I find all a little scary (and upsetting if I’m honest).

So I am determined to enjoy every second of my time with my girl. We spent our week at parks and cafes, meeting friends and playing. On Friday I decided to try a mummy and toddler class with her. I remember taking Meme to all kind of groups when she was a baby – Jo Jingles, stay and play and walkers to talkers. However, we all know what it is like when you have two, it just wasn’t that easy any more so poor Harri has hardly been to any groups. I wasn’t sure what to expect but Harri loved it and it was nice to meet some local Mums. So I’ve decided I’m going to make an effort to take her every week. I think it is quite easy for the youngest to become dependant on their older sister, when I told Harri were we going the first thing she asked was ‘is Meme coming too?’.  However, she was fine on her own, mixing with children who will possibly be her school friends in a couple of years.

So this was our week. A week of ordinary moments. A week of getting back to normal.

12 thoughts on “Back to normal – The Ordinary Moments

  1. Ours doesn’t start school until 2017 but she went through a phase of hating nursery and screaming and crying, which often left me in tears. I totally get where you say it sets the tone for the week, and it’s so nice to see she’s happy to head into school and see her friends x

  2. Thats great news that she seemed a little happier about going back to school, it certainly makes things easier for you. And I know what you mean about relishing time with your littlest, that is what I am doing at the moment but for an entirely different reason- obviously soon I will have to share my time again when our new baby comes along. It’s so lovely to spend time with her. PS I am determined to go to baby groups with the new baby, I didn’t do any with LL! xx

    1. It is so much better, when she doesn’t want to go I find myself worrying all day about her even though I know she is fine. Haha good luck with the baby groups – the eldest child doesn’t know how lucky they are! Thanks for your comment x

  3. Great to hear your little girl is loving school at the moment. It’s so hard when they just don’t want to go, and hard to explain that they just have to! My eldest started school in September, when his brother was 11 months, so it meant we could finally start doing some groups! It is hard to fit them in though as for some reason when you have one at school, you have even less time than before!

    1. Oh I agree, I thought when Meme started school I would have lots of time but I have less. No sooner you drop of them off then they need picking up again. Thanks for commenting xx

  4. Sometimes I enjoy casual weeks like this too and Megs always asks if Ethan is coming to stuff when I tell her what we are doing or make a suggestion of what we could do for the day, but she is pretty good at mixing and making friends when she is on her own! Its nice for them to have their own little places to go to with out the older one sometimes isn’t it? I hope you can get there weekly and enjoy it. Great Meme was so willing to return to school x

  5. Greta is exactly the same, I’ve been thinking about taking her to some groups when Mabel is at preschool because she normally just follows Mabel around and while Mabel is fairly outgoing and will talk to anyone and makes friends easily, I’m not sure that Greta knows how to make friends. She’s only 2 but I don’t want to leave it too late x

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