Finding my Fitness Mojo

Finding my Fitness Mojo

I have never been one of those girls who cared much about health and fitness.I spent my twenties eating what I wanted, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and unless you count shopping (which I did a lot of) not a lot of exercise. Regardless of the above I have always been slim, I have been lucky in that it has not been something I have had to worry about.

Fast forward to 2015, after 2 children and hitting my mid thirties  I have noticed I am not as slim as I used to be! Also, now I am a Mum I am more aware that looking after myself is important, in order to look after my girls I need to be fit and healthy.

I signed up to the gym in February, with a summer holiday booked for June it was just the motivation I needed.  I got into the routine of going 2-3 times a week, joining in fitness classes and swimming too. Don’t get me wrong, I am never going to love the gym like some people but I did like watching my body change, I lost weight and became more toned, fitting into clothes that I wore over 10 years ago. By the time my holiday came around I was really happy with my body and what I had achieved.

However, since returning home I just can’t seem to find the motivation anymore. I am not as toned as I was, my jeans are feeling a bit more snug, my skin is dry and flakey and I am not sleeping as well. So many reasons that should be making me want to run back to the gym but yet I just can’t seem to get back into it.

If anyone finds my fitness mojo please send it back…

3 thoughts on “Finding my Fitness Mojo

  1. Good luck with finding your fitness mojo. I have to confess that mine disappeared a while ago and I’m still not sure what happened to it but you sound a little more motivated to find yours than I was! 🙂

  2. I go through phases of being bothered and not so bothered, don’t we all? when i am bothered i go so hard at it, i become not bothered to get over being bothered! We are a strange species us ladies..

  3. Oh no, it’s difficult when it disappears! You should come over to #abrandnewday Linky in my blog on Tuesday. Hopefully inspire you! This will be great to link up! #fortheloveofblog

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