What to think about when buying a family car.

What to think about when buying a family car.

When you are thinking of expanding your family there is so much to think about. Do you need a bigger house? Is there good local childcare available and will you all fit into your family car? When we found out we were expecting our 3rd child this was one of our main concerns. Whilst we loved our family car, my children are still at the age were the need to be in a car seat. When we measured our back seat there was no way that 2 child seats and 1 baby seat would fit. So begrudgingly decided we need to buy a new car.

Using we were able to figure out exactly how much we would be able to afford to repay each month making the whole experience a little easier as once we knew our budget we could automatically rule out anything that didn’t fit in it. There is no point even looking at certain cars if you can’t afford them!

One of maybe the most important things to think about is – will your family be expanding in the future? Ideally you want to be in the same situation in a couple of years down the line. Although we knew our 3rd child would be our final child we decided to buy a car that could change into a 7 seater. We wanted to have the options of being about to take the kids friends home if we needed to or take grandparents with us on days out occasionally. Also does the boot fit everything in? When I had my first child I owned a Mini Cooper which I loved. I thought it would be fine for me and my baby girl. However the car boot was tiny. I had this huge pram which I couldn’t fit it. So begrudgingly it had to go.

Would an Electric car be an option? Going green is definitely the way forward then it comes to cars. Charging point are now more common and you can even charge your car from home. SOS Synergy can deliver turnkey EV charging stations, from new residential developments to commercial spaces. 

Is the car practical for children. My kids are messy! Would I ever choose a light cream interior with children – no! The car you choose needs to be durable and hard wearing.

Just a few little things that you need to think about when buying a family car. I would definitely recommend having a look around, view a few cars, put the child seats in and have a really good feel of the car before you buy.

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