Understanding your child’s learning style

Understanding your child’s learning style

Learning styles are something that are not commonly spoken about, but something that plays a huge role in how well a person succeed when it comes to academics. As you learn about different learning styles, you will notice that there are certain aspects that stand out more for different children. This could simply be the approach taken to help them with their revision or day to day learning.

Below are some top tips from a private girl’s school in Manchester on understanding your child’s learning style and which of the four could work
for them.

Kinaesthetic. These learners learn best through movement. They enjoy a hands-on approach and you may notice them fidgeting a lot whilst they sit down. They retain information best when they learn through motion. Moving along to their favourite learning songs may be a great way to help them keep focus whilst learning.

Tactile. Similar to Kinaesthetic learners, these learners also prefer a hands-on approach. However, they desire a more sensory stimulation instead. Working with playdough, drawing and getting messy is what appeals to them. Playing with puzzles and providing time for messy play is a great way for them to retain information.

Auditory. These learners learn best through sound. They like oral directions and enjoy to read out loud. They also like to learn using music and learning songs. You will notice these learners are a lot more talkative and may sing or hum when working independently.

Visual. These learners like to learn through seeing. They pay close attention to body movements and facial expressions. They learn best through demonstrations such as watching videos and using diagrams and maps.

It is worth helping your child determine what their learning style is as it will make all the difference when it comes to the results of their studies.

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