Like a lot of parents across the country it has been a week of getting back into a routine, packing lunches and taking the obligatory first day of school pictures. I think many of us can agree after just a week of school runs the carefree summer holidays feel like a lifetime ago. I wont lie, we are all exhausted, grumpy and emotional. It is such a juggling act and, due to being 26 weeks pregnant, I am feeling a lot more sensitive and anxious than usual.
I was dreading last year with Meme starting reception, such a huge milestone, but I found that I was equally dreading this year. I suppose, as a parent, you can’t help but worry and unfortunately I will probably feel the same every September. I was worried about Meme settling into year one and I was really nervous about Harri starting preschool. Luckily, I was the only one worrying, the girls took it in their stride, they were excited and ready to go with their new shoes on and lunchboxes full!!! They seemed to have nice days and come out with big smiles, much to my relief. Lately, life seems to be full of those moments were I just want to take it all in and hold it for a while, if that makes any sense – my girls seem to be changing so fast before my eyes.
So, after six weeks of adventures and lazy days, it’s back to normal. I am hoping for a smooth running September and, once the shock of the school runs has worn off, everything will run nice and easy with no drama, but with my two girls, hmmm, I think that’s doubtful!
How has your week been?
Our week has been super busy! My daughter catches her school bus at 7.15 so it was a massive shock into action when the alarm went off at 6.20 eeeekkk. Nice to be back into a bit of a routine, my son is particularly happy to be back to school. He has learning disabilities and really doesn’t like the vacuous nature of such a long holidays. A xx
Lovely post and yes back in the routine, I had one going into year two and one starting reception and the youngest is now 8 months I had no idea how we were going to get out the door. Seemed much easier when he was a newborn. But we did it and only one day of tears ? #sundaybest
They are so adorable! It is always big shock to the system getting back to a routine after a long break. We have our long break over Christmas and January here in Australia, but they have 2 weeks off soon which I am looking forward too especially now spring is here and it’s warming up a little. I hope you get the smooth run and loads of hugs after school xx
What a lovely post, I’m so glad the back to school routine went well, and that it continues to do so! xx #sundaybest
Super sweet photos. My girls went back this week and they loved being back with their friends
Thank you for linking up
Ahh these photos! Too cute 🙂 Hope it goes well for you all xx
Glad they had a good first week back! Our was really good too, LL is at nursery two days so I still her have home quite a bit which is nice. And the of course I have our baby boy. So I wasn’t quite so emotional as I was about reception last year. x
Oh bless they do look so excited! I’m glad they had a wonderful week; I wonder whether we’ll ever not worry about that first week back in September – maybe when they’re at uni and it’s October!!
Glad they are enjoying school. My son has just gone into year one and is loving it. My daughter hates preschool though 🙁 x
I agree I was emotional about year 1 starting too and decided I probably would be every year! Glad it went well though X
Such pretty girls, my guess is they will have a great September and you’ll wonder why you worried!
We had a really chilled week last week as O didn’t start school until this morning. He was so excited and wanted to get dressed in his uniform at about 7am! Glad your girls have settled in well, love the pics of them. The last one is so sweet. xx
Sounds like you know your girls well. Hope there’s not too much drama mind. Lovely photos.#MyCapturedMoment
Aw I know summer seems an age ago, so sad! My boy started Reception last week, and now we are at the end of week 2, we are feeling tired! I can’t believe this is how life is going to be now, wah! I guess we’ll have to get used to it. xx
They’re so cute! I’m glad everyone has settled well, hormones definitely make things so much harder to handle! Thanks for linking up to #SundayBest x
Sweet photos!
I hope you’ll join us and link up at this week’s photo party at It opens as Tuesday dawns “down under” and remains open all week long!
very cute!! My daughter has just started reception so it was definitely emotional! She has settled in really well though and seems to enjoy it which is great! #mycapturedmoment
Yes, we’re all back to normal now aren’t we? These pictures are so cute! I especially love the new shoes. Poppy started Nursery this morning, so we’re now venturing into a new normal. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx