Moments from my weekend – the day the sun came out.

Moments from my weekend – the day the sun came out.

After a very wet and miserable Easter holidays there was finally a little sun forecast yesterday. So we packed the car, made a picnic and off we went in search of adventures. My husband who works in a office all week is craving the great outdoors by the time Saturday comes and me and the children are always happy to oblige!

We went to one of our favourite places Llandudno which is lovely, especially when the sun is shining. We played in the park and had fun on the beach, after what seems like the longest Winter is was nice to finally feel some warm sunshine on our skin and to not have to worry about wrapping the children up warm. Alfie is definitely happiest when he is outdoors and free (a bit like his Dad) and it was so good to finally let him crawl around on the beach without worrying about him getting too cold.

It was a good day and we have (apparently) more sunshine coming this week!


10 thoughts on “Moments from my weekend – the day the sun came out.

  1. Ah it’s great to get out to the beach isn’t it? I’ve managed a few times this year from London, it feels so much better for my health! #countrykids

  2. Aw beautiful photos! I remember holidaying at Llundudno when I was about Meme’s age with my parents. I remember sunny beach days along the front just like this and hiking up the Great Orm. Wasn’t it wonderful to see the sun on Saturday, it was perfect for our guests arriving on the farm, sadly the temperature has dropped back today but as you say we are on a promise for next week! Your photos are beautiful, especially that first one of Alfie in the sand.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  3. Beautiful photos. What a lovely place to go on holiday! I think we have been there, I am off to trawl my blog posts and find out now haha.

    Popping over from #CountryKids x

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