I started the year with a bit of a health kick, I wanted to lose weight, tone up and eat better and with a holiday booked in July there was no better motivation. I joined a gym and started to try and eat a bit healthier. I feel like in the last few years healthier lifestyles have been made a lot ‘cooler’ by the likes of Ella Woodward, Madeleine Shaw and Amelia Freer, who have cookbooks , websites and blogs full of healthy recipes and ideas.
So I jumped on the bandwagon and got myself Amelia Freer’s book, Eat, Nourish, Glow, which didn’t have many recipes in but was all about how to change your lifestyle and eat better. I also regularly read both Madeleine Shaw’s and Ella Woodward websites for tips and inspiration.
I did quite well, I gave up drinking cans of coke (which I must admit I love) and stopped snacking as much. I found this quite difficult as I snack quite a lot; I automatically reach for the biscuits even after having a full meal and not necessary needing one. I started my morning with a hot water with lemon, I changed my breakfast to porridge and fruit and I tried to limit the amount of bread I was eating. I also made some healthier evening meals, lots of fish, vegetables and courgetti. It was all about changing my mind set and breaking the habit, it was tough but I achieved it and felt better for it.
Recently I have totally lost my way, after working so hard to change my diet the last few months have seen me reaching for the biscuit tin. It has been a busy (and at times stressful) few months and healthy eating has been the last thing I have felt like doing.
I now feel sluggish and bloated and my energy levels are at an all-time low. I need to try and make some steps to eating healthy again. I bought the new Jamie Oliver cookbook a couple of months ago in a hope it would inspire me and, whilst the dishes do look delicious, I have only made the one (which was yummy by the way!). I think I also need to try and make a healthier desert, which my girls will also enjoy as they love cake too and probably eat far too much of it! I need to make some changes.
Let’s see how I get on….. Wish me luck!