My Lil Girl

My Lil Girl

For the last couple of years me and Harri have pretty much run around after Meme. Took her to school, picked her up, took her to parties, rainbows, dancing – the list is endless. Sometimes my lovely Harri would say ‘Mummy I want to go with Meme’ and I would always answer, ‘be patient lovely girl, your time will come’ .

This week has been a busy one for my youngest girl. We started the week with a settling in session at her new school that she will be starting in September. She wasn’t phased at all but I was kind of pleased that I was wearing sunglasses to hide my tears. I had butterflies and just felt really sad. I have said this before but experiencing this second time around doesn’t make it any easier. Of course she was fine and is looking forward to starting in September.

Harri also had her first sports day, which was lovely to watch. Harri is such a whirlwind at home that I sometimes forget that she can sometimes be as quiet and as sensitive as her sister. When I picked her up from preschool at the end of day she told me she had missed me and has been quite emotional since.

I think she realises that life is changing for her, this makes my heart ache. I want to wrap her up in cotton wool, I want to keep her with me. I want to hold on to that baby innocence that she has just a little while longer. It may sound dramatic but I feel that you lose them a little when they start school. I remember how tough reception was for Meme and, although Harri is a completely different character, I feel so nervous about entering this phase again.

I have a few more weeks with Harri before the start of the holidays. So I will continue to spend my afternoons playing Barbies and making cakes with her. I will continue to take her to the park and for hot chocolate some mornings and I will continue to clasp her little hand as we walk home after dropping Meme off at school – all because I know very soon, sooner than I want to imagine, that little hand will no longer be there.

In September she will be joining her big sister Meme at big school and I will be whispering in her ear ‘darling girl, your time is here’


Picture taken by TheĀ Whispering Willow

18 thoughts on “My Lil Girl

  1. Such a gorgeous picture of your girl. You’re right you do lose a bit of them when they start school, outside influences start to creep in and O gets so tired and grumpy by the end of the week. It helped me having G at home to look after but I’ll be a wreck when he starts. xx

  2. What a stunning picture! I’m so lucky that I still have both of mine at home with my and they’re two peas in a pod. i’m dreading splitting them up when she goes off to school. #LivingArrows

  3. Ah lovely I really feel for you, I agree entirely that you do lose a little of them at school (at least I felt that way too) and I think the second time it must feel hard because you do know that. Enjoy these precious times and what a gorgeous picture xx

  4. That is such a beautiful photo. We are exactly the same with Troy at the moment – he has always wanted to do exactly what his sister is doing – and he’ll follow in her footsteps in September too! x

  5. So beautiful, and I can absolutely imagine that it is no easier second time around. I love how you say “Your time will come”. I often feel like I say that to my middle child, as he is desperate to do all that his older brother does. There is no rush is there? but I remember being so desperate to grow up, when so much beauty lies in childhood. I hope that she loves school and settles in beautifully. #LivingArrows xxx

  6. oh lovely I know just what you mean. I remember taking Aspen here there and everywhere and April would just have to come along or get left somewhere whilst I was out with Aspen. Then it became all about both girls and Adam wanted to know when he was going to get lolly bags lol. The photo you shared is just breathtaking. Good luck when she starts, sunglasses can be a blessing xx #mg

  7. Aww… this is such a wonderful post. You have written so beautifully. You will be fine. I know its easier than said but you have geared her up and ready to enter the real world. You should be proud of yourself. Well done Mama! xx #mg

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